About BayAreaPunk.com

BayAreaPunk.com is a database of concerts in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is based off of The List, which has been complied and released for free by Steve List since at least 1994.


If you want to get in touch, send an email to [email protected]

How Accurate Is The Data

It's not amazingly inaccurate. Steve did a great job of formatting The List in a standard way so that writing a program to go through the archive of past Lists was not very difficult.

At the same time, spelling errors, format changes over the years and other factors make the database not completely exact. I don't have the time or desire to go through thousands of concerts and fix all the errors. It is what is it.

Also, not all concerts are listed on The List. There are plenty of house shows, parties, private events, etc. which no one submitted to Steve. These are not going to be found here.

Why Make This Site?

Statistics are cool. It is interesting to see find out things like what bands played the most shows in the last couple of decades.

It's also cool to reminisce about past shows or be reminded of bands you may have forgotten about.

Finally, it's a way to find new music. Concerts usually cater to a certain musical taste. Bands that play multiple shows together will appeal to a mutual crowd. If you like one of the bands on a bill, you will likely enjoy others.

How Were The Graphs Made?

The graphs were made by scraping The List. That data was then plugged into Gephi which created the graphs. I then used the Sigmajs Exporter to create the JavaScript version of the graphs you see in your browser.

The graphs have a lot of data in them and might crash older browsers on less powerful computers. Sorry about that.

There's a couple affiliate links on the site to places like eBay and Amazon. I figured, if you are going to go give them money anyway, I may as well get a tiny percent of that.

While I don't collect any user information, they might.